
Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver
2 Corinthians 9:7

Salem Giving

Theology of Giving

We’re a community committed to helping people take their next step with Jesus in every season of life. The ministry of Salem Church is fully supported by the tithes and offerings of its generous community. Salem teaches Biblical generosity, which began with the principle of the tithe (giving the first 10% of your income to the mission of the local church) and expanded to include radical, sacrificial giving above and beyond that first 10%.

To “grow in the grace of giving” is not the product of guilt or coercion. Rather, it flows from a heart that has truly been transformed by the gospel. By giving, we become a part of God’s mission to redeem and restore the world.

Salem Church partners with local and global organizations in order to further the work of God beyond our own community. This happens through the generosity of time, skills, and finances.

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Ways to Give

Give by Text

Text the word GIVE to 937-699-5588.

Give Online

Give one time (as a guest) or set up recurring, online giving.
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Give In Person or By Mail

On Sundays, you can give by putting your gifts in the offering boxes. You can also drop off during church office hours, or mail checks to PO Box 39, Clayton, OH 45315.